Humming House

Humming House

Nashville, TN


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About the Artist

The spotlight on Nashville, with its musical values and timeless traditions, is currently bright. And no band embodies what's right about 21st century Nashville more completely than the quintet known as Humming House. It's the way they weave together threads of Music City's folk, soul, and bluegrass legacies. It's in the inspirational and revealing songwriting. It's in their acoustic instrumentation, presenting mandolin, fiddle, acoustic guitar and bass in fresh roles. It's in the pleasant tension between rousing energy and nuanced arrangements. And it's in the voices, with two complimentary stylists up front and backed by the full band's rapturous harmonies. Revelries, that came out March 24, 2015 on Nashville label Rock Ridge Music, is the third recording bearing the Humming House name.


Justin Wade Tam Joshua Wolak Benjamin Jones Bobby Chase Leslie Rodriguez