The Mispers

The Mispers



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About the Artist

Misper: police slang for a missing person. And the perfect name to be re-appropriated by an alternative-rock quintet.Dark Bits, was recorded in Liverpool's Parr Street. Known for it's huge live room, the band found a groovier, party feel with producer Rich Turvey. Originally, songs were born out of Jack and Joey's songwriting in Australia, with the rest of the band writing their parts on top. This time round it comes from more cohesive natural place. A lyric, a riff, a beat, a vocal melody. Jack and Joey still take charge with the lyrics, either bringing a concept to the table or jamming one out by singing the same line over and over and working lyrics around it. Jack says, “The Mispers might be a sad idea - someone going missing, but we think of it as a happy thing. We all come from different parts of the world and have gone missing together." Live the band are a sensory experience. Taking reference from Phoenix, Black Keys, Arcade Fire and Tame Impala, the band want nothing more than to make people feel great, the audience often finding themselves a sweating, heaving, partying mess.The Mispers rise to success continues. One thing is certain, if you haven't become a misper yet, you soon will.


Jack Balfour Scott Joey Arnold Zapata Diego Porto Belmonte Hannah van den Brul Jordan Gaetano Grispino